The exam did not stand nearby: the best horror about the school. From Obscure and Dettenation to The Coma: Cutting Class and Corpse Party

Summer flew, as always, faster than bullets – now the new academic year has begun. This means that most Internet experts on all issues collect briefcases and buys bouquets for your favorite teachers.

In the old days, the school routine tired someone, and someone scared someone. Modern schoolchildren even consider her hell, in the ninth circle of which instead of Lucifer awaited the ill -fated OGE and the exam. For everyone who studies or once studied at school, we have prepared a selection of horror, who clearly show that the exams are far from the worst thing that can happen in its walls.

Obscure (2005)

Perhaps the most famous gaming horror one on the school theme and the only Non-Asian horror on the list-the French made the game. The plot revolves around five high school students from the Lifore school, which is known not only for its graduates and a strong basketball team, but also with scandals associated with the universal loss of students. At the beginning of the story, one of the heroes, Kenny, is late in training, during which an unknown thief steals a bag with his things. Pursuing the villain, the athlete is locked in the catacombs under the school, and his sister and friends, having found his disappearance of him, begin the search operation. But they do not suspect what secrets of the lyceum they have to face in just one night.

Of the five heroes, you need to choose two: each has unique abilities, but everyone can handle weapons. When passing alone, the second character will be controlled by a computer, but the game is still designed for teamwork – so much more interesting. The ending, which are two: good and bad, depends on how carefully.

Monsters in the game are enough for all stripes and calibers

Obscure makes not only hair on the player’s head, but also the gyrus inside her. Indeed, behind the “meat” horror anti-Tature with ugly mutants and shootings, a real quest is hidden: the search for keys, hacking computers, walking along confusing corridors and much more. And all in the conditions of a total deficiency of weapons and ammunition. The game also makes a curtsy Resident Evil : there, in order to save the game, you need to spend a tape for a printing machine, and here is a CD for a school computer. This, coupled with all of the above, creates the very atmosphere of survival, which is very lacking for many today's horror.

Obscure has a sequel, but he, according to most critics, was much weaker than the original and could not repeat his success.

Corpse Party: Blood Covered (2006)

Horror Corpse Party 1996 – one of the first (if not the first in history) attempts to make on the engine RPG Maker something completely unlike RPG. However, we are talking about Corpse Party: Blood Covered – her remake released in 2006 for PC; In 2016, he finally reached wild gijes in Steam.

The plot talks about a group of schoolchildren and their teacher, gathered in the office in order to arrange wires to his friend, who goes to another school. In the process of communication, the head of the class proposes to make a ceremony in order to consolidate their friendship forever. But they did not suspect that this ritual would actually move them to the ghostly school of Tenzin, closed and demolished many years ago.

The heroes of the game are not just pixel sets. These are personalities

Witchcraft divides the guys into several groups, and each is in its own version of the parallel measurement. Teenagers are surrounded by dead students of different schools, who, like the main characters, once mistakenly hit Tenzin and died in torment. One of them is friendly, someone is neutral, and someone falls into a rage, barely seeing the strangers. Sometimes living people come across the way, but few of them are still in their minds. In these merciless conditions, the heroes decide to unite parallel to the reality by which they scattered them, and then to find the opportunity to return home together.

Tenzin school is packed with simple puzzles and, much more interesting, traps. Most of them are a faithful death for the hero to whom you control. There is no combat system in the game, so the only option is not to get into the paws of the villain – to escape. Well, if you get there, write is gone.

Traps are very diverse, sometimes even not at all scary in appearance

The final of history – endings in the game over twenty, depends on the one who will survive in your passage, and who will die, and who will die. And most of them, according to the assurances of the "collectors", are a true triumph.

White Day: a labyrinth named School (2015)

White Day: a labyrinth named School – This is a remake of the 2001 Korean horror of the same name, which today is called the classic of the genre.

The plot takes place on white day – the Asian analogue of St. Valentine's Day. By tradition, boys should give girls surprises from chocolate: the main character, led by the desire to give a gift from a shackle, is late in the evening in the walls of his own school, which at night is unexpectedly stuffed with monsters and ghosts.

UPS, was mistaken in a locker. With whom it does not happen

Unlike heroes of the same Obscure, the protagonist does not know how to shoot or fight: and therefore all that remains in case of danger is to run away and hide with the camera from the first person. It will often have to drape – in addition to numerous ghosts at school, there is also a completely living maniac, eager to kill everyone who comes to him. The amount of conservation is limited.

This man is absolutely insane

In White Day, dialogs play an important role. In addition to the protagonist, a few more girls are locked in the school, with whom, choosing certain remarks, you can build different relationships. The ending of which eight in this game also depends on what you tell them. But, alas, the script in places suffers "syndrome Fallout 4 ": According to a brief description of replicas options, it is far from always clear what the character will say.

Well, puzzles, where without them. The main feature of local ones is that the tasks in different locations with each new passage change, as well as ways to solve them. Therefore, White Day: a labyrinth named School is surprisingly reached by a horror. At least two passings will be enough for it for sure.

The Coma: Cutting Class (2015)

This project is largely reminiscent of the previous. Perhaps they worked on it with an eye on the 2001 White Day, but the creators The Coma: Cutting Class They came up with their plot tie, and thanks to it the concept began to play with new colors.

Here you also have to manage a student of the Korean school. His name is Yonho Choi, and he began the most ordinary day, full of chatter with classmates and mortal boredom in the lessons. But during one of the classes, the guy falls asleep right in the classroom, and when he widespread, he discovers that there is already a deep night in the yard and there is not a single living soul around him. The teenager was about to go home, but in the corridors he was in wait for the darkness, eager to enclose Yonho in his strong "embrace".

This cutie was once a favorite teacher

Unlike previous games, The Coma: Cutting Class uses the perspective on the side. Like the main character White Day, Yonho cannot give monsters, so when he collishes with them, he has to look for the nearest locker or toilet booth to hide. Wandering by locations, you will select useful items that will help in solving puzzles, and find notes with information about what is happening, they transfer them to his notebook. Obviously, to re -read in moments of deep sadness.

There are also several living people at school. Some of them clearly know what is happening, more than (in theory) should be average students. The ending of the game depends on how we will interact with them, and we will be distracted by their chatter – there are five of them in The Coma: Cutting Class.

This young lady definitely knows the most. And her mystery annoying

Dettenation (2017)

Perhaps the most non -standard copy in this collection is Taiwanese to the bone brain Dettenation. This time, we have two main characters: a young man Wei and a girl Ray, students of the Tsuyuh school. They live on Taiwan Island in the 1960s-during the period of the so-called white terror. In those years, the authorities of the country pursued oppositionists and representatives of the intelligentsia, who were massively put in prison and executed.

Our main characters overslept an evacuation caused by an impending typhoon. The element destroyed the bridge over the river – the only opportunity for the children to get to a safe place. Therefore, they decide to wait out a cataclysm in the school building and are soon separated: Wei goes to look for a phone, and Ray, left alone, begins to see images from his past, causing pain and frightening me off. So we will find out what mistakes the girl made in her life, and we observe the consequences of her actions.

Dettenation is aimed not only to scare the player, but also to immerse him in the elaborate plot, which unfolds against the backdrop of real historical events. And then – force to reflect on everything that has seen. And "force" in the literal sense of the word.

This story is much more about Ray than about Vay

This game, like the previous one, is two-dimensional: it even more related to it with a spectacular, gloomy-thawed manga. The gameplay in it is measured, if not “slow”: schoolchildren go from the room to the room, collecting fragments of personal stories filed through visions and notes. The quest component is also present, but rather as an unobtrusive addition. In the pockets of heroes, more than three objects rarely lies, and the game never forces to search for one or another place ten times.

The school of Tsuyuhua, of course, is cursed by ghosts, but the game (of course) does not give Vau and Ray any opportunities to withstand them. The only way to remain unnoticed is to hold your breath while the enemy floats past. However, Dettenation does not punish much for death, since the most frightening in it is still not a monster, but the plot.

On this we are completing a story about school players, which you can gladly get away from the performance of a house. If you, of course, like to pat your nerves with a rainy autumn evening.

And what horror are you like about school? Tell us in the comments.

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